Sunday, November 1, 2009

Evil Dead paper

On Friday, October 30, I went to go see Evil Dead: The Musical with one of my best friends and my boyfriend. When . To my surprise, one of my friends from home, named Steven Spencer, who had graduated 2 years prior was one of the main characters in the play: Scottie, the main character's best friend who had picked up a hooker in a bar three days before, subsequently making the main character's nerdy, homely sister a fifth wheel. The musical was a parody of horror movies, much like The Rocky Horror Picture Show, but a bit less crude. To be sure, there was definently plenty of crude humor, sexual inuendoes, cussing, taking the Lord's name in vain, and - of course - violence. However, in a show that is not only a parody, but a parody of the generally gruesome genre of horror, these things can't but be expected. It was interesting to see my high school friend on stage after seeing him in the leading role of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew two years before. I can definitely tell that he has grown. I can also tell that in theatre, one cannot very easily hold to one's own personal morals because in scripts, at least in most of the good ones, there are things that go against a lot of people's morals. I could not be an actor because there would always be that part of me saying "this is wrong" despite the fact that I would know "it's only acting and I'm not actually saying these things; it's just the character." I must give props to those who are truly actors, however, for the art is not easy morally or psycologically. I enjoyed the show however, as well as seeing my friend, and would most definitely go back and see it again.

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